Friday, February 13, 2009

Pain In Between Thumb


Not satisfied with the different layouts available, I finally decided to change media.

You will find new updates on the link above ...

I hope you enjoy reading it already and do not hesitate to leave your comments ...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wedding Program Wording Theknot Thank You

"Lasher" by Anne Rice

4th cover

is a demon and irresistible it is still a child ...

For centuries, the witches of the Mayfair family struggled to survive and escape persecution. Today, they live in peace in New Orleans. But Lasher, the spirit that haunts them for generations, see the rage gradually turning away from the magic.

When Rowan, the thirteenth witch, heiress of the mighty powers, pregnant, about to give birth, Lasher feels that his time has come and brings all his powers to incarnate in the newborn. On Christmas night, Rowan gives birth to a child prodigious: in a few hours, it acquires its adult size, speak and walk. The Mayfair family

will she cope with this spirit child, jealous and diabolically clever who dreams of becoming the greatest wizard of all time?

personal opinion: Volume two of the trilogy, it allows us to perceive plans Lasher and its mechanism Machiavellian!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Homemade Fountain Ideas

The treasure box of Amandine

crude wooden box painted with acrylic colors, contours of orange flowers were made with the contour Pébéo. Red flowers are flowers foam that were in a different color at the base.

Since this is a box with frequent use, I coated with varnish to protect it up.

Petechiae And Spider Veins

"evil link" by Anne Rice

4th cover

Why people she wishes to die the death they soon?

Under the porch of an old house to the abandonment of New Orleans, a woman frail and silent swaying in a rocking chair: Deirdre Mayfair has gone mad since he was removed at birth, her daughter Rowan to send live in San Francisco.

And behind the garden gate, a man, Aaron Lighter Deirdre tirelessly monitors, like others before him, over the centuries have secretly monitored the Mayfair family. Because they know that, from generation to generation, women in the clan send their evil powers and the the terrifying and amazing history of this line of witches is just beginning ...

personal opinion: it is a book I had read it ten years ago and really liked me at the time. Not remembering most of history, it was time to plunge myself. This book is Volume 1 of the trilogy and Mayfair Witches chronicles their Genealogie from beginning to the present day. It is quite difficult and devious and full of intricate details, but necessary to have two suites consistent.

How To Put On A Underwear

Father Christmas is not a junk

Method: window color I preferred
achieve a translucent plastic sheet of paper to retrieve it safely from one year to another

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Wooden Side Rails For Trucks

New Year

If January 1st is a Thursday ...
  • Winter will be mild, windy spring, summer hot enough, the beautiful and rainy autumn
  • There will be plenty of wheat, there will be plenty of fruit, apples sufficiency, but few honey. The oil will be at a good price. There will be some cattle.
  • Several kings and princes will die and be peace everywhere.
A more general tradition is that the first twelve days of the year show the weather each month.

It remains to hope that the weather is mild the next 12 days ...

January =
gray and cold and cold gray February = March =

sunny and cold, cold sunny April = May =
overcast and cold (snow)
June = sunny and cold and gray
July = August =
cold sunny
September = October =
sunny sunny sunny

November = December = gray